We’re proud to be part of the revolution.

Jill McLaughlin

Functional Nutrition and Hormone Coach, FMCHC
#1 best selling co-author, The Essential Thyroid Cookbook
Founder, Healthful Elements Inc.
Founder, Coaches for Health Freedom Inc.

In early 2008, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s (autoimmune hypothyroidism). After refusing the recommended drugs, my then-doctor stated with shock and raised eyebrows, “Well, you can do whatever your little heart desires.” I did just that and my Hashimoto’s is now in unmedicated remission (although I do believe that thyroid drugs have their place). I’ve also suffered from mild alopecia (autoimmune hair loss) for 35 years and after ending up becoming one-third bald in my mid-40s, I have my full head of hair back.

Dr. Ajana Miki

Naturopathic Doctor
Spring Blossom Health
Healthful Elements Inc. referral partner / women’s health advisor

Dr. Ajana Miki is a naturopathic physician and a Chinese medicine practitioner. She’s been practicing holistic medicine for over 20 years and possesses a unique combination of skills that allow her to assess and support healing from varying perspectives. Her patients benefit from her curiosity and love of learning and as a result, uncovering of the treatments that best serve their health goals.

Deborrah Cisneros, RN

Registered Nurse (RN)
National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC)
Functional Medicine Certified Health and Wellness Coach (FMCHC)
Founder, FX Health Solutions
Healthful Elements Inc. referral partner / functional digestive health advisor

At the age of 45, I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis with bone death to my right hip, requiring replacement. Asking “why” opened my eyes and led to the discovery of Functional Medicine (FM). Despite being a nurse, it wasn’t until I attended the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy that I learned the impact of environmental toxins, diet, and lifestyle as well as the connection between our gut and overall health. I became passionate about educating, empowering, and encouraging individuals with chronic disease to push back on “this is how it is.” Because it’s not. Our healthcare system is broken. It is my belief that ALL individuals, from all walks of life, should have at their disposal knowledge of and access to therapies beyond Western medicine such as herbal medicine, homeopathy, naturopathy, nutritional coaching, and more. 

Dr. Anna Garrett

Doctor of Pharmacy, BCPS, CIC
Founder, Dr. Anna Garrett
Healthful Elements Inc. referral partner / women’s health advisor

I’ve been a clinical pharmacist for over 20 years and have worked in a variety of practice settings. Working with women in midlife is my true passion and I believe that suffering in peri/menopause is unnecessary. I offer a variety of services that include hormone balancing, weight loss, epigenetic coaching, and health coaching with a goal of helping women in perimenopause and menopause escape from hormone hell and feel amazing in their bodies.