Blair Shackle
Social Media Manager
Healthful Elements LLC
Up until my late 20s, I spent most of my time trying to please everyone else but myself. I carefully pieced together four comfortable but boring walls that society handed me. I was happy in my “normal” box, sitting in a cubicle every day, plastering on a fake smile knowing I was doing what society “told me to do” and often wondering why I felt like there was a big hole in my soul. It wasn’t too long after when I started to feel that the box I created was closing in on me and big hints from the Universe began to show up. I lost my “perfect” job, I suffered a miscarriage, I experienced a chronic illness, and those were just the start.
I had to lose control to gain clarity around my life. Letting go of my idea of “who I should be” allowed me to blossom into who I AM.
Now, with a green smoothie in hand, flying hands clicking away on a keyboard, and peace in my heart, I help others create a positive online presence through social media and website management. My goal is to let the voice and product of my clients shine from the inside out. I help people break free from the “supposed tos” and “playbook” in order to find out who we really are, and what we really want. In work and life, I try to bring an aura of Tina Fey, John Muir, and Kris Carr all nicely blended together.
Even more, I love connecting people to wonderful companies that are doing good, sharing excitement, and putting a product or service out in the world that has the opportunity to make lives a little better, exactly like what Jill and Mary are doing!
In my spare time I’m also a writer. My writing has been featured in MindBodyGreen, tinybuddha, HerFuture, The Edge Magazine and naturally, on my own blog, The Turquoise Heart, to name a few.
I am in gratitude to be working with Healthful Elements and supporting their cause to help debunk the “rules” around health and wellness for those experiencing hormone issues. I strive to live a life that is supported with the healing power of whole foods, lifestyle choices, and other natural remedies. Two of my favorite mantras are: “put good in, get good out” and in the same vein: “thoughts become things, choose good ones.”