How to Optimize Thyroid Hormone Conversion
While optimizing thyroid hormone production is obviously necessary, one often missing and critical piece of the conversation is thyroid hormone conversion…converting “the lame duck” to “the big daddy.”
While optimizing thyroid hormone production is obviously necessary, one often missing and critical piece of the conversation is thyroid hormone conversion…converting “the lame duck” to “the big daddy.”
Low iron—and more specifically, low ferritin (iron storage protein)—is common in the hypothyroid / Hashimoto’s and also hair loss / alopecia communities. Let’s look at this root cause contributor, including issues people can have with absorption.
Low hydrochloric acid is pretty chronic in the alopecia community. It has a far-reaching impact on our overall health—with two specific relationships that are also chronic for many experiencing hair loss.
I’ve had alopecia (autoimmune hair loss), off and on, for nearly 35 years. And alopecia can be late to the party when it comes to healing the immune system.
It’s common for those with hypothyroidism to be low in iron; low iron inhibits the ability to produce adequate thyroid hormones and interferes with thyroid hormone synthesis.