Gentle Liver Support
Giving your liver some gentle love will have a far-reaching and oh-so-positive impact on so many of the body’s systems. And given that so many of these systems work together, it’s truly a beneficial feed-forward cycle.
Giving your liver some gentle love will have a far-reaching and oh-so-positive impact on so many of the body’s systems. And given that so many of these systems work together, it’s truly a beneficial feed-forward cycle.
Candida albicans (intestinal yeast) is a fungal organism that’s a normal and expected presence in our digestive environment. But problems arise—sometimes serious problems—when there’s an overpopulation of pathogenic yeast and it becomes opportunistic.
Despite what you may have heard, cleansing yeast does NOT need to be difficult. And it doesn’t have to take months. Here’s my straightforward protocol for both testing and clearing candida.
There’s a commonly-found endocrine disruptor that’s one of the biggest thyroid offenders—bromine. And when I say “commonly-found,” I do mean common.
Nuts and seeds provide a healthful combination of essential fats, protein, and fiber all contained in a nutrient-dense package. This post will teach you how to soak them for optimal digestibility and how to toast for flavor enhancement. Temperature matters!
The importance of fiber in the diet is indisputable and has a profound impact on our digestive health and microbiome, our 100 trillion organism-strong “mini ecosystem.” Most Americans are fiber deficient—some experts in the functional medicine community claim that it’s the most clinically important dietary deficiency.
As we continue our transition into the colder months ahead, we can draw warmth and nourishment from the abundance of autumn foods.
A widespread misconception about peri/menopause is that weight gain, hot flashes, night sweats, forgetfulness, and mood swings are normal. Just because they’re common doesn’t mean they’re normal.
The 5R approach is a straightforward program for healing the gut and promoting optimal digestion and nutrient assimilation, boosting good gut bacteria, and detoxing. And it’s not as difficult as it sounds!
When it comes to managing autoimmunity, details matter, of course, but when our focus gets too narrow, we can lose sight of the forest for the trees.