How to Optimize Thyroid Hormone Conversion
While optimizing thyroid hormone production is obviously necessary, one often missing and critical piece of the conversation is thyroid hormone conversion…converting “the lame duck” to “the big daddy.”
While optimizing thyroid hormone production is obviously necessary, one often missing and critical piece of the conversation is thyroid hormone conversion…converting “the lame duck” to “the big daddy.”
Glutathione is a powerful immune-boosting, cancer-fighting, autoimmunity-taming antioxidant that many experts are just coming around to fully understanding.
Giving your liver some gentle love will have a far-reaching and oh-so-positive impact on so many of the body’s systems. And given that so many of these systems work together, it’s truly a beneficial feed-forward cycle.
Our lymphatic system plays a critical role in immune health, is a major factor in our ability to detoxify, and helps to keep us in an anti-inflammatory state. If this weren’t enough, it also impacts the health of our thyroid and hair follicles—it may be one of the factors in reversing alopecia and Hashimoto’s.
Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s (autoimmune hypothyroidism) are often thought of as a women’s health issue, but we cannot neglect the fact that many males also suffer from this life-altering condition. In fact, Hashimoto’s is on the rise for men and has been for a number of years.
There’s a commonly-found endocrine disruptor that’s one of the biggest thyroid offenders—bromine. And when I say “commonly-found,” I do mean common.
I’m doing some things differently with my alopecia group coaching program. And if you suffer from hair loss…of any pattern…I hope that you’ll consider taking this new journey with me.
It starts out “innocently” enough. You’re feeling fatigued, but you chalk it up to the demands of life. You’re feeling down, but you tell yourself that we can all get down when we’re tired. Then, there’s a spare tire around your middle. You can’t poop. You get chilled more easily. And you’re shedding hair.
The FDA just approved the sixth iteration of JAK (Janus kinase) inhibitors for alopecia. But just because it’s newly approved doesn’t mean it’s great because none of the JAK inhibitors are great. In fact, the FDA has also issued a black box warning.
If you’re experiencing weight gain, sleep disturbance, brain fog, anxiety, exhaustion, forgetfulness, relationship issues, loss of libido, or lack of motivation, would it surprise you to know that these symptoms are present in both depression and hypothyroidism?