This Week's Roundup

Tomorrow is another summertime play day, so here’s the Roundup for this week. 

Blaming the Patient Then Asking for Forgiveness

The Dark Side of Artificial Sweeteners

“Life is between the trapeze bars.” – Unknown

“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you set up a life you don’t need to escape from.” – Seth Godin

“Soy is not a magic pill or poison; it is simply a bean.” – Dr. Joel Fuhrman

“McDonald’s milkshakes have over 50 chemicals in them.” – Robyn O’Brien

“I honestly do not think it’s acceptable to be supporting conventional animal agriculture when you are an informed consumer who understands the environmental, ethical, and health repercussions of the despicable practices of factory farming. And I most certainly do not think that any health benefits of (factory-farmed) meat consumption outweigh these.” – Is CAFO Meat Ever Okay to Eat?

For parents: 

Baby’s First Foods: The Problem with the Conventional Approach

“Parenthood isn’t about perfection. It is the business of imperfect humans raising other imperfect little humans to the best of their ability.” – Jennifer Meer

“Teaching girls that their appearance is the first thing you notice tells them that looks are more important than anything. It sets them up for dieting at age 5 and foundation at age 11 and boob jobs at 17 and Botox at 23. As our cultural imperative for girls to be hot 24/7 has become the new normal, American women have become increasingly unhappy. What’s missing? A life of meaning, a life of ideas and reading books and being valued for our thoughts and accomplishments.” – How to Talk to Little Girls


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