Diffuse Hair Loss: Could it be Alopecia Diffusa?

If you have diffuse thinning, it doesn’t mean you don’t have alopecia.
Because if you’re shedding throughout your scalp, it could be alopecia diffusa…
…especially if you already have another autoimmune condition (MAS, or multiple autoimmune syndrome) and especially if you have Hashimoto’s (autoimmune hypothyroidism), given that hair loss is a hallmark symptom of low thyroid function.
For many people, hair loss is also—get this—a side effect of thyroid hormone replacement.
As you may know, there are several patterns of alopecia.
Don’t get me wrong—I’m not saying that if you have diffuse loss, you have alopecia diffusa. That’s not my determination to make.
Generally, the medical community says that telogen effluvium should be temporary, lasting six months or less. There’s a stress/trauma/event that takes place, causing the follicles to enter into the resting/telogen phase, after which, new hair begins to grow.
“Careful questioning usually reveals a metabolic or physiologic stress 1-6 months before the start of the hair shedding.” [Source: Medscape]
If your diffuse loss is chronic, unresolved, and not associated with a severely stressful event, it could be alopecia diffusa.
Disclaimer: I’m not a medical provider. This should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis.
Just know that diffuse loss isn’t always telogen effluvium. And it’s not always thyroid-related. Although it could be.
Many people with diffuse loss are told, “You have plenty of hair, don’t worry about it,” or, “Reduce your stress,” or, “Sorry, there’s nothing I can do for you.”
There’s a lot you can do about it, no matter the root (no pun intended) cause.
And here’s another “not always”…not all alopecia is autoimmune in nature, although it typically is. There are several other contributing factors, including several hormones.
I can’t say it enough—not all diffuse loss is simply thyroid- or stress-related (telogen effluvium).
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Go here for my alopecia interview with Alopecia Life >
Go here for my alopecia interview with Rebuilding My Health >
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