Good Real Food

It’s difficult for me to not get on my soapbox about how far we’ve gotten away from real food and what real food tastes like; but that sort of pontificating can turn people off. It’s also difficult for me to understand why this food isn’t available to everyone. Too many people in this country live in rural areas where, if you don’t grow your own food, or have friends or family who do, you’re forced to support the commodity food system, a system of often over-produced, over-processed, prematurely harvested, less than tasteful and nutritious food. And we wonder why we have a healthcare crisis in this country.

Local Tomatoes are Best!

No one can argue that the luscious tomatoes available in the summer months, from your local farmer (or your backyard), are worlds apart from what you find in the produce aisle. The colors are surprisingly gorgeous, ranging from chartreuse, pink, purple, brown, and even striped. Heirloom or no, there’s no comparing these summertime beauties to commercial crops, which are harvested green to withstand the journey and then hard-ripened with ethylene gas.

Arugula: The Green Rocket

I’m often asked what the best way is to shake up the green regime without adding heaviness to a salad. While it’s true that various nuts, seeds, and fruit will add fresh flavor and essential nutrients, my first recommendation is always arugula! Variety is the spice of life, after all, and what better way to add spark and punch to your salads than to incorporate this naturally spicy, sharp, tangy green?