My Reversing Alopecia Courses: Participant Testimonials

[The original version of this post that was published in August of 2018 has been updated to also reflect testimonials from participants of the 2019 Reversing Alopecia course. Go here to see testimonials from the 2020 participants.]
It’s Alopecia Awareness Month, which seems like such a fitting time to share this post.
Earlier this summer, I wrapped up teaching my second Reversing Alopecia Masterclass program. As I explained when I first taught this course, I wasn’t necessarily expecting any of my participants to start growing hair in the short-term, given that it can take a while for follicles to be signaled. At the onset of each course, I told them that even in the best of circumstances, it could take about three months after the course ends. But as you can see, and just like last year, several of them saw pretty much immediate results.
And once again, I was scared to death to do this, even though so many of my course participants and 1:1 clients have seen incredible improvement with a condition that had previously baffled and scared them and that their conventional heathcare provider had said was “untreatable.”
Would the newcomers trust me? Would they believe that I’d struggled greatly, given that although I’d been well over 1/3 bald, I didn’t do a great job of chronicling my journey with photos—both when things were bad and when my hair was growing back in?
Would they believe that I’d worked with many alopecia clients, given that I didn’t have many photos of their journeys, only testimonials?
In prep for this round, I was equally obsessive about infusing even more of what I’ve learned about alopecia. I launched it, and again, enrollment started immediately flowing in from all over the world.
<< [If you want to stay abreast of the next round of Reversing Alopecia that starts in March of 2020, please enter your name and email on the left. If you’re on a phone, scroll to the bottom of this post.]
The alopecia community has been greatly underserved. In fact, what we’ve been served is a big fat bill of goods.
As if I didn’t already know it, getting to know more about the experiences of my wonderful course participants has shown me even more how generally ignorant the medical/dermatology/endocrinology community is about hair loss and alopecia.
It’s drug city out there, most of which makes things worse in the long-term. Or it’s, “You’ll have to live with this.”
“Thyroid” is my first love. I would not know what I know or have been able to turn my alopecia around were it not for what I’ve learned the last 10 years focusing primarily on the Hashimoto’s/autoimmunity/hormone health community and writing and publishing my Essential Thyroid Cookbook.
But helping others reverse their alopecia like I reversed mine is now my life’s work.
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2019 participants
[Make sure that you scroll down to the 2018 participants heading below, as some of those people shared updates in 2019 and 2020 that I added.]
It’s hard to get good photos of my growth because in real life it’s crazy. Jill’s course really opened my eyes to things I was missing. I have been dealing with alopecia universalis for a little over two years now and I’ve tried everything: dermatologists, weird creams that give you rashes, countless doctors, diets, the list goes on. I quickly realized that alopecia is, in fact, an inside job and that’s exactly what Jill’s course helped me discover. I was able to find my root causes and since dealing with these, my hair has been growing back! I’m getting married on November 10 and my goal was to have hair by then. And I can confidently say I will at least have some hair and I owe it to this course and to Jill. I highly recommend anyone who is considering taking the course to do it because it will change your life. I can go on and on about this but I wanted to give the medium version. Thank you so much, Jill! I’m so happy to be here and have the support of this group. - Michael McQuaid, Nashville, TN,
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- E.T., Chelsea, U.K.
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- S.S. (previously alopecia universalis)
Feb. 2021 update from the above person:
My hair is going along quite well. I still have some thin areas and one slower patch at the back, but I can wear my hair up in a bun! Or clipped up. And you can’t see that patch. No more wigs or hats! Everyone keeps telling me how amazing I look.
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I loved Jill’s Reversing Alopecia course. There were so many nuggets of information that have really helped my family. My son developed alopecia ophiasis in the summer of 2016 and since 2017, he’s been alopecia universalis. Since starting the course, his eyebrows have started to grow back in, and his scalp hair started showing fuzzy regrowth. Now, his hair is steadily coming in more. The increase in his self-confidence is marked. He had a rugby sports clinic a couple of weeks ago with boys that he didn’t know and they thought that his hair was something that he’d had done to look “tough.”
I have done a ton of independent research on alopecia and still learned many new things from Jill. It became very clear to me that you don’t know what you don’t know. I liked how Jill made it very clear that there’s no magic bullet and it’s up to us to do the work. Also, it was abundantly clear that there are several causes of alopecia and just as many potential solutions. What works for one person isn’t necessarily going to work for the next. You have to spend the time and figure out what your particular individual situation is.
I’m very glad that I took this course, and two completely unintended consequences are that I’m now training to be a health coach and my Hashimoto’s has gone into remission! I just got my blood tests back. I’m feeling so much better, it’s not funny. I’m very aware of not having that thyroid exhaustion and I’m loving being able to get things done without dragging myself around. - Laura Krippner, Cheshire, UK
Laura’s late 2019 update: One year ago, he was completely bald with no eyebrows. Now he has thick hair on the top and the sides and back are starting with the fine blonde hairs like the top did. His hair looks almost like an army style cut.
Laura’s early 2020 update: He’s in good shape. The back of his head is slowly filling in. He’s had a patch growing in at the back which is about to connect to the side/top. It’s a slow process. His confidence is back x10!
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Let me say that Jill is the ONLY person doing this incredible, much-needed work with the alopecia community. I should know, because I’ve spent 7 years looking for someone like her—and a program like her Reversing Alopecia course. Not only did I finally find something that I wished had existed a long time ago, but she executed the research, material, and how-to with laser precision, which is no small feat when singlehandedly leading a large group of people. She clearly gives a s**t about each and every one of us—this was not a hit and run program. She genuinely wants each of us to succeed and the caring that she has for us is palpable. She was straight-up about the fact that this would take work, and it has, and…I now have eyelashes and eyebrows and my scalp hair is coming in nicely, with no additional loss since the course ended. She was also-straight up about how this journey takes time and that regrowth can be spotty and inconsistent, but to not get discouraged. Someone with her brains and honesty are hard to come by these days and I can’t say enough great things about this course. It was a life-changer. – B.L., Chicago, IL
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I’m doing really well and have lots of hair growth! And now, it’s coming in brown instead of all white. I also have hair returning on my arms and even in my nose (I haven’t had a hair in my nose in 5 years) and have lots of eyebrows and eyelashes also. And what I have is staying! Jill, I can’t thank you enough for all of your guidance, including directing me to Dr. I. to sleuth out my beef sensitivity, which was also a HUGE piece of my puzzle. – Joan Leece, Benton, AR (You can also see Joan’s testimonial from 2008 below, including screenshots.)
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This course will absolutely help anyone who enrolls. As a spouse of one with alopecia universalis, I wanted a deeper dive into the disease in order to help understand the intricacies as well as how to better support my husband’s potential for regrowth. The value provided in research, time, and interaction in this course is astounding and unmatched. In the first round, I took the course, learned a ton, and helped him implement some things, but I can’t make the journey for him so we re-enrolled so that he can lead his own journey now. It took 8 months, but he’s ready now. Please read that again. HE is ready now. That alone has incalculable worth. His loss was sudden and swift with no regrowth, and for the first time in a long time he’s ready to try again. Jill’s course and personal journey accomplished that and that alone has incalculable value. Truly, I have tears in my eyes writing this, but he’s actually motivated to start—we’ve been in major transition for months now so he hasn’t started-started, but he’s READY. And he has hope. He hates this disease and will never stop searching despite all hopeless previous attempts and this course has been affirming, validating, and eye-opening. Come to find out, he has every.single.contributing.factor that Jill presented. I mean, EVERYTHING. And more than anything else, Jill gave him the GIFT of understanding. Someone who GETS it. That’s priceless. Jill, so thankful for you. If you are on the fence about this course, please enroll. Show up, absorb the information, do the work. It’s worth it. – Melanie S., Warrenton, VA
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Jill, your course has been incredibly helpful and I wanted to say that I really appreciate your honest/hard-hitting but also realistic and non-judgmental approach to healing. Most of the “big name” books on autoimmune healing leave me feeling overwhelmed and stressed out and like I am poisoning myself if I don’t live a perfect, toxin-free life. As a (recovering) perfectionist, I realize this just put more stress on my adrenals and your approach is a breath of fresh air. I’m so thankful for your tips and easy to understand guides. This course has made me feel empowered and like the many steps to healing are actually manageable! - B.P.
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I really believe the dietary aspect was the jumping off point for me personally and I feel great and have lost quite a bit of weight. At the time that I made the dietary changes, I really noticed the hair coming back on my head. My eyelashes and eyebrows are sparse and somewhat colored and I have regrowth all over my scalp. I am kind of watching and waiting to see what happens, because I usually grow some in during summertime and lose it by winter. I’d like to think this is different and thicker than what I’ve seen before. It feels to me that the regrowth is all over. I really don’t notice any new spots at this point. Everything that was explained in the course was so helpful and I would’ve never been able to decipher what it meant by finding it on Google or somewhere else. And the Q&A’s were extremely helpful. As we know, not everyone processes information the same and it was nice to be able to ask for clarification on things. This experience has really opened up my eyes to things I had no idea could be harming our bodies, and has changed my world exponentially. Thanks for all your hard work in helping us! - Sierra D., Branson, MO
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My alopecia universalis journey started 6 years ago. During that span, I have tried everything under the sun to get my hair back, from steroid injections with dermatologist, to holistic remedies, to diet change after diet change. I was continuing to search for answers, which eventually lead me to Jill’s Reversing Alopecia course. Her insight and expertise liberated me immediately! Her thorough delivery made the course enjoyable to follow, and she is amazing with creating personal outlets for any questions or concerns you may have. Applying her knowledge to my life has impacted my healing journey immensely. I now have patches growing on my scalp, my eyebrows have seen some hair spouting through for the first time since losing them in 2013, and I have dark, thick whiskers on my face. I began seeing significant growth just 2-3 months into my new approach and this is the most hair growth I’ve had in 6 years. After taking the course, I’m more confident than ever before and I know that I am on my way to healing. I truly encourage anyone who is looking for answers on their alopecia journey to really consider Jill’s Reversing Alopecia program. - Drew Herrera, Medford, OR
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Jill, I would like to thank you from the deepest of my heart for this course. It was fantastic! As you are aware, during my journey with my child, I have seen too many practitioners who threw too many things on us. We have tried it all. But after the course, I started to analyze, discuss, and direct because I have more knowledge. Even my current practitioner was amazed and agreed on most of what I said. My son has had slow and steady regrowth with his eyelashes and eyebrows, which is fantastic. Furthermore, there’s noticeable regrowth with his scalp hair. He had some fuzzy hair patches that were sprouting then falling off. However, since June, there’s been noticeable improvement and these patches are getting stronger and darker in color. Knowledge is power and your course gave me this power. Big thank you. – H. Zeitoun, Perth, Australia
H’s early 2020 update: His scalp hair continues to slowly come in in the half back of his head, in patches. There are some gaps between the patches that have been filling in with time, so hopefully it will continue.
H’s July 2021 update: Jill, I would like to let you know that my son has so far gained back around 90% of his scalp hair and almost two full eyelashes/eyebrows. He still has 3 small stubborn areas around a small coin size, which can barely be seen. We are over the moon with his progress.
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What a great, informative course. Thank you, Jill. I am really glad I took it and would recommend it to anyone suffering from alopecia. You gave me new hope that I could actually grow my hair back. You mentioned some culprits that I’d never heard of in regards to alopecia, and I thought I had covered it all in my 11-year research. The tools you provided to us were easy to understand and easy to follow. It’s a no-brainer, really. Why visit some random doctor that read about alopecia in a book when you could instead seek advice from someone who actually beat this thing and lived through it herself? Thank you for making your immense knowledge available to the world. You are a saint, Jill Grunewald. - Andrea L., West Hollywood, CA
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Jill, I want to thank you for all the time you have devoted to research and working on your own issues, in order to help fellow travelers in this hair loss/thinning journey. I have been going to a functional medicine doctor for about 11 months now and while I had great help on many health issues, hair regrowth was just not occurring well or fast enough. I was blessed with a beautiful head of hair, very thick and wavy, until I turned 40. Then boom! All of the sudden hair started falling out. I turned 40 eleven years ago and in this time period, I have lost approximately 50-60% of my hair. I figured I should probably take more aggressive action to figure out what in the world was going on to cause my hair loss. Your course has given me answers to questions that I didn’t even know I should have been asking. I appreciate your well-documented research, your recordings for my personal future use, and all the documents that I can refer to when needed on my journey to re-growing my hair. I have already seen regrowth in areas that I didn’t expect to see yet and I am so grateful that I enrolled in your class. Thank you so much and God bless! - Anita L, WI
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So, the hair I grew after taking the first Reversing Alopecia course is still there. My eyebrows and eyelashes are looking good too! As for everywhere else on my body, so much hair. I’m having to shave my legs daily, which is unreal because I was universalis. I truly KNOW, that this course is some of the most valuable information I’ve ever heard in my life. I think that the spectrum of things covered can not only help with alopecia but can make you aware of leading a healthier lifestyle, including finding nutrients you’re lacking. I have done a relative minimum with the information from the course and luckily I have hair growing everywhere and I was AU! Autoimmune diseases are on the rise and now is the time to reap the benefits of Jill’s outstanding knowledge. Every case of alopecia comes from a different place or reason and finding your root cause is something only you can do. And you can do it with the tools in this course! - W.R., Ironwood, MI (You can also see W.R.’s testimonial from 2018 below, including screenshots.)
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I first found out about Jill’s class through an alopecia Facebook group. I am so thankful that I did! Jill is a very down-to-earth, real person who tells it like it is. (Your hair follicles are not dead!) If she doesn’t know the answer to a question, she’ll tell you. The amount of information she covers during the course is outstanding. I’m in alopecia support groups online but Jill’s course has been by far the most valuable piece of this puzzle for me. I can’t speak highly enough of Jill and the information she is willing to share. Thanks for all your time and efforts to help us grow and learn! - Jenny C., Rogers, AR
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I found the RA course invaluable in that I have actionable steps to keep me moving on my path to heal the root causes of my alopecia. Jill provides practical information that’s scientifically-backed and proven by her experience with her clients and healing her own alopecia. And I know that every improvement I make based on Jill’s teachings reduces my risk of developing more autoimmune conditions, and sets me up for a smooth menopause and graceful aging. The Facebook group has been invaluable to me too, because I realized that so many root causes apply to lots of us, but each of us has our own “combination.” It’s also been a great solace to share experiences and celebrate each other’s successes. - Jessica, J., Sacramento, CA
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The knowledge and insight I gained from Jill’s Reversing Alopecia course is invaluable. The regrowth I am seeing now is coming in super slowly, but it’s progress nonetheless. I haven’t lost any hair beyond what I feel is normal daily shedding or developed any new bald spots, which is really great! The temples are slowly filling in and overall my hair feels thicker. It takes diligence, perseverance and the utmost patience to see progress but I believe anyone suffering from hair loss/alopecia can benefit from this course if they are willing to put in the time and effort to learn how to heal. – Laura Dasi, San Diego, CA (Laura was a star on America’s Got Talent. You need to watch the whole thing, but especially see the 4:19 mark. You can also see Laura’s testimonial from 2008 below, including a photo.)
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Jill is the first person I heard say that hair follicles are not dead. I have Hashimoto’s and hair loss was my biggest issue. I’ve read popular thyroid books and did not get the information that Jill provided in this course. She mentions things that I have not heard anywhere else! Between the content, product recommendations, and her cookbook, I feel completely empowered. I highly recommend this Reversing Alopecia course and I just wish that Jill brought back her Hashimoto’s course. - S.N. NY, NY
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I have seen many doctors and tried multiple treatments to stop my hair loss, all to no avail. I decided to sign up for Jill’s course as a final attempt toward healing. It was extremely informative. As she promises, this is not a fluffy course! She offers practical solutions backed by research on how to reverse hair loss. For the first time in a long time, I am hopeful that I can regrow my hair. Thanks Jill! - M.L., Detroit, MI
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I am very grateful for the Reversing Alopecia course. To my knowledge, it is the only one not just covering autoimmune conditions in general, but specifically dealing with alopecia. Jill gave a tremendous amount of information based on her knowledge and her own experience with alopecia, which made it very personal. So far I’ve lost some weight and feel much healthier. I have many tools to stay focused on my health and regrowing hair in the coming weeks and months. - M.H., Germany
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At first, I was hesitant to take Jill’s course because I felt that when it came to hair loss, I had tried it all, to no avail. I’ve been struggling with androgenic alopecia for about 15 years and I’ve tried all sorts of remedies, with limited results: trichology, laser treatments, Rogaine, various oils and potions and shampoos…you name it! I jokingly refer to myself as the hair loss guinea pig. However, I decided to take the plunge into the Reversing Alopecia Masterclass series and I’m so glad I did! I’m still incorporating the myriad pearls of wisdom and practical steps that I learned during the RA series, and although I’ve not yet seen much substantial change re: my hair loss, I’ve seen a bit of hair growth at the front temples and believe that once I’m consistent with everything I learned in this course, I will be on the road to recovery. I can tell anyone who is on the fence about participating that you get more than your money’s worth when it comes to the wealth of well-researched information, genuine caring and support, and aha moments that this course provides—it’s exceedingly worth the price, and then some! It has meant a great deal to me—I’m so glad that I followed through and enrolled, for a ton of reasons. First and foremost, it opened my mind to the many internal and systemic reasons why my alopecia wasn’t going away. Second, it provided me with a wealth of information from which to begin the many-pronged approach to suss out what might be my hidden root cause of alopecia. Third, it provided a community in which I could see that I wasn’t alone in this. This was huge for me. The sense of despair and isolation that alopecia sufferers go through, as many know first-hand, can often be the hardest part of the journey. Fourth, it gave me the kick in the pants to do something I’ve been saying I’ll do but had not taken action on: working with a functional medicine doctor. And fifth, Jill’s patience, detail-oriented approach, empathy, and encouragement were invaluable in giving me hope. Jill, a million thanks. I will be forever grateful to you for furnishing me with the tools to go forward and conquer alopecia. May God continue to use you to bless and heal others. - A.H, Clermont, FL
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This course gave me a clear sense of the different factors that can cause alopecia (diet, absorption, hormones, toxins, etc.) and how to best test for and treat them. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach, as each of us is unique and our journeys to healing are based on our own needs. Jill talks about the process as the layers of an onion. You discover something and then peel back another layer. Your triggers may be different than mine and this course provides the guide to understanding those layers and how to unpeel them. The information and resources are provided and you work on it in your own time and at your pace. Highly recommended for anyone struggling with any form of alopecia! - D.B., Atlanta, GA
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Jill, you’ve provided me with the systematic steps to self-healing an ordered way that previously eluded me from others not understanding the whole of the expression of alopecia. I am deeply grateful for your ability to generously share the in-depth understanding that you have from your study and direct experience. - Elizabeth S., St. Paul, MN
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Jill’s Reversing Alopecia coursehas been so informative and well organized that I feel confident of positive changes ahead. I was on such a precise protocol to get rid of bacterial and parasitic overgrowth, which Jill does address in the program, so I needed to address all of this first and am now really working with her sequencing. I’m not young, but Jill’s program has me on track for good health and the best chances for regrowth in a natural way. Her research is impeccable, she communicates clearly, and is quick to respond to questions. She really cares about our journey and cheers our results. I highly recommend this program and working with Jill. – B.T., Knoxville, TN
2018 participants
I’ve had alopecia universalis since 2008. Having first tried cortisone injections, Rogaine, and laser treatments, these invasive and painful procedures did not resonate with my belief system of holistic healing. I knew there had to be a better way to address my hair loss and find the root cause of why my body was attacking itself. Upon discovering Jill’s work through one of her blog posts, her approach made complete sense to me. I was excited to participate in her Reversing Alopecia online course. I began seeing a small patch of spontaneous regrowth in 2013, but now after completing this course and implementing the steps, my hair is growing faster, stronger, and healthier than it’s been in 10 years and covers about 80% of my head!
The information presented through this course was practical, realistic, thoroughly researched, and structured in a very doable manner, as well as incredibly insightful. Knowing what I know now, I can look back and see the triggers that created the environment for autoimmunity to develop. The Reversing Alopecia program gave me a step-by-step approach to address these various factors. I sincerely appreciated learning how to nourish myself better. Thank you Jill for sharing your expertise and for your guidance!
Laura Dasi, San Diego, CA (Laura was a star on America’s Got Talent. You need to watch the whole thing, but especially see the 4:19 mark.)
Laura’s March 2019 update photo >>
Laura’s early 2020 update: Most of my hair has filled in! I’m happy to say that I have about 70% of my hair back now.I can definitely see where the temples and sideburns are now getting thicker. The back of my head at the nape still has a way to go. And I think it’s time for a trim as my hair is getting quite long and wild! There are times when I wish the regrowth process was quicker but when I look back at my progress photos I can see how far I’ve come.
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Jill, I am overwhelmingly overjoyed at how much information and time and help and passion you have given with this course. Seriously, I want to scream your name from the rooftops. I have a bunch of lashes, a few eyebrows, and random hair in other places, including patches of hair on fingers, toes, arms, and legs (quite a bit on legs) and some hair in the female nether region! I am growing more and more hair daily. It’s unreal. OMG! Thank you so much! I’ve told so many people about you and told alopecians about your next Reversing Alopecia course next spring. I can’t wait to keep updating you. P.S. We love your cookbook!
W.R.’s March 2019 update >>
More March 2019 update: I have light hairs growing on my head and I continue to have the same hair growing on my arms and legs and face and arm pits, etc. I do have full lashes and half my brows back and many more light hairs growing there as well.
W.R., Ironwood, MI
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I would like to say thank you so much for a wonderful and interesting course. Already, my scalp and skin overall looks much less inflamed than before and I also have several small patches of new baby white growing. My overall wellbeing has also improved greatly.
I know you had to overcome a few obstacles but well done for getting to the end. I’m also so grateful for the wealth of information I’ve learned from you. I will use your knowledge greatly through the resources you’ve given me to help me heal my alopecia. It’s been really an eye opener and something my local GP has no knowledge about. I hope maybe one day they know how to treat it the correct way. You have given me the faith and determination to continue this healing journey and put this disease finally into remission. Many thanks again.
Patrick Taylor, Southampton, UK
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Jill Grunewald’s Reversing Alopecia Masterclass has just changed the alopecia community forever!! Her extensive research and knowledge of the many contributing facets involved in autoimmunity is nothing short of incredible! There is finally hope for those of us suffering with alopecia.
Joan’s March 2019 update >>
She has done the exhaustive legwork and lays out a very comprehensive, yet easy to understand framework for restoring hair growth. I am totally amazed at her knowledge and the level
of support she gives! This class is a
game changer!
Joan Leece, Benton, AR
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I found your Reversing Alopecia series so informative and the Facebook group so supportive. I really appreciate all you put into this. It was amazing. My son has white hairs growing in spots so I am anxious to see what happens.
You provided so many answers to my “whys” and filled in so many gaps that were close but not yet glued together. You have provided “glue” to many holes from my last three years of research and all the different people that he has seen for his alopecia. As I told my friends, it was technology at its greatest between the video modules, question/answers, and Facebook group of people from around the world all offering information and support.
Michelle Wilson, Memphis, TN
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I have been absolutely thrilled with the Reversing Alopecia course and feel quite overwhelmed to finally “meet” someone who is an expert on alopecia. I have been so emotional about having felt so alone on this journey to help my three daughters (one with diffuse alopecia, one with frontal thinning, and a third with no hair loss but other autoimmune tendencies). Jill, thank you for your passion, dedication, and expertise in this area. Your life’s work is having and going to have tremendous impact on so many people. Ok, crying again!
Julie H., Raleigh, NC
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Firstly, I cannot thank Jill enough for her professionalism and capacity to engage!
My alopecia story is similar to many others, until I run into Jill. I started getting bald spots in 2013. And all the dermatologists I contacted (I have changed doctors a least 4 times!) had a similar, very partial approach: pills of cortisone, lotions, injections, etc. etc. The more cortisone I took the faster the hair would grow back and after a few weeks, even much faster the spots would return again, bigger and more numerous! I felt badly; the cortisone was also impacting my general well-being.
It took me 6 years to realize that this was not the right approach for me. I did not feel well at all, and I was still struggling not just with hair loss but more in general with the feeling that I was not listening to my body.
While looking online for a more comprehensive approach, I find Jill’s Reversing Alopecia course. Yes, the course DOES represent a turning point. If you seek a holistic approach to your hair loss, if you are under the impression that no one has taken your feelings and symptoms in serious consideration, if you think you do have some information about possible causes but you are missing the whole picture, if you want someone to support you and give you the right tools, if you feel you can make it but you do not know how, well you are choosing the right course to embark on! And on the top of everything, it is wonderful to be part of a community that can share fears and successes.
I do not have any big spots anymore. It is a process; there is no short and easy answer. But above all, what I am really happy about is that I feel that my body is mine again. And I can listen to it. Your path might be shorter or longer, but this course is surely the right path!
Laura Chello, Geneva, Switzerland
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I wasn’t sure if the Reversing Alopecia course was for me. I suffer with diffuse hair loss and have not been diagnosed with alopecia officially. I consider myself fairly educated in natural healing and try to stay up-to-date with advancements in functional medicine and had been researching hair loss for nearly a year, so I wasn’t sure how much I would get out of the class. However, Jill encouraged me to sign up, and I am so glad I did.
Jill is undoubtedly the best (and probably the only) expert out there on this subject. I have been blown away by her level of expertise concerning all things hair loss. She leaves no stone unturned and has an enormous wealth of knowledge when it comes to hair loss causes and solutions. She has done her research and understands the science behind her suggestions. She has eloquently and exhaustively explained the many factors that affect hair loss and has offered solutions—good solutions—for each. Her suggestions are designed to be doable and not turn one’s world upside-down. It is easy to listen to her because she truly understands hair loss, as she has suffered from a severe form of it herself, and has proven that it can be reversed.
K.E., Ramsey, NJ
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Jill is an exceptional practitioner who not only understands the mechanisms that drive hair follicle stimulation but who’s also very compassionate towards the people she works with. I have worked with several functional medicine practitioners since I developed alopecia and none of them understand the condition like Jill does. She knows the science behind all of her recommendations that drive hair growth. I am confident that working with her will reverse my hair loss and I am looking forward to a journey of healing ahead.
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Jill’s course provides a thorough understanding of the multiple factors that may impact those suffering from hair loss. It is well researched, detailed, and personal. In addition to teaching face to face, she is committed to answering questions on a daily basis during the course. Even before I took the class, I was inspired by her website and cookbook to discover my food sensitivities. The class has given me a fuller understanding of how to eat and supplement for better hair health. I consider it a template that will help me uncover what is causing my hair loss and then address it. I am already feeling more energetic after eating and do not have nearly as much digestive discomfort. Beyond the health benefits, her class and supporting materials reminded me how fun it is to cook and eat using foods that are really good for me!
Ben Ptacek, Minneapolis, MN
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I can’t tell you how much I’ve gotten out of this program. Yes, it was often information coming out of a firehose, but embedded in the transcripts and handouts is so much great advice and “if this, then that” guidance on what to try and how to do it… as well as what not to do.
Barbara S., Santa Rosa, CA
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I can’t thank you enough for all the heart you’ve poured into this class. It’s meant the world to me. It’s been exhilarating to see that there are tools to beat this crazy disease. I’m SO GRATEFUL that you are out there. You are an answer to prayer—keep doing the great work you’re doing!!
Katie R., Washington, DC
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This was a super informative online course! And I think everybody will agree with me: the most important is that you gave us such a structured approach, so it’s much easier now to navigate in all that information flowing around. Thank you wholeheartedly. You are not only very professional and competent in the field, but also extremely friendly and attentive coach, so it was a big pleasure to participate in the online class series as well as in the FB support group. You helped me to focus and fast-track my personal “inside job” to be done in reversing alopecia. And I look forward to the success stories of all of us!
Alexandra Kaya, Istanbul, Turkey
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WOW! Where do I start to THANK YOU? Your program was so worth my time and money! I am highly educated in the functional world as result of my Hashimoto’s diagnosis 3.5 years ago. I work with a functional M.D., but I am constantly providing her updates on what I learn from great coaches like YOU. You have been a GOD SEND. THANKS JILL FOR HELPING SO MANY OF US!!
H.C., West Palm Beach, FL
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Jill is incredibly knowledgeable and brings a wealth of experience to dealing with alopecia and autoimmunity. This course has been a deep dive into the science of the body and the complexity of it all in a way that is easy to follow and easily do-able and her commitment to her participants’ wellbeing is palpable. The course has been phenomenal! It’s really taking my knowledge to a much deeper level. I knew the whole autoimmune and alopecia challenge was complex, but this course has really shed (ha, no pun intended) a lot of light!
Jodi Weisberg, North Wales, PA
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Jill never promised us a rose garden. She made it clear we need to “do the work” to expect results. And then she laid out the path, explaining all the “how’s” and “why’s” clearly, with practical steps to follow. The Reversing Alopecia course was more effective for me than all the books, articles, and celebrity doctor recommendations (not to mention the lotions and potions) I’d tried before, because Jill helps you customize her plan for your own body. And our Facebook group has been an amazing source of information, support, and inspiration. Jill’s Reversing Alopecia course has been a game-changer—and worth every penny. Thank you, Jill!
Jessica J., Sacramento, CA
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The depth of your knowledge is remarkable and I have already learned so much. God bless you, Jill!!
Janet Smith, Kansas City, MO
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Jill, it’s been a journey going through these modules with you. I knew deep down in my heart you are the one to listen to. Everything you’ve said so far just validates all my research on alopecia, and how permanently reverse it. Thank you for your dedication and passion on this subject.
* * *
Thank you, Jill, for your commitment to supporting people with alopecia. I’m in a much better place since the first time I took your Reversing Alopecia course, in that I have done some deep work on my root cause and much of the fear I faced with my alopecia has dissolved. Now I’m finally ready to do the diet/nutrition/supplement work in a sequential way after having not done so previously. I need this next level of work and my system is ready for it!
Again, thank you for your patience and for remaining an incredible resource. With great gratitude, thank you!
Elizabeth S., St. Paul, MN
Jill, I was sad to miss your
Jill, I was sad to miss your online course but I live in ther UK, work crazy hours, and have minimal internet out here in the sticks. Are you going to offer this in any other form, eg as a text download?
And btw I recommend the Thyroid Cookbook to everyone who seems to have thyroid issues (a frighteningly large number of people).
Thank you, for all of it.
Thanks for sharing about our
Thanks for sharing about our cookbook, Roselle! I have transcripts of the modules, but I’m not entirely comfortable sharing those without the context of everything else in the course. Email my assistant at inquiries [at] healthfulelements [dot] com and maybe we can work something out.
I was diagnosed with Alopecia
I was diagnosed with Alopecia areata in 2009 with only 4-6 small bald spots and steroid injections did the trick then. Once I had my first (and currently only) child 3 years ago it intensified and I lost almost all of my hair. This time I refused to treat just all my symptoms and was bound and determined to find a root cause. It’s been a long 3 years with only little improvement. I continually have patches coming and going on my scalp. (Eczema has also been severe- I’ve dealt with severe bloating, cystic acne and postpartum depression). I just discovered you and waiting until Spring 2019 for th next course seems agonizing! Any suggestions on what I can do until then? (I’ve been GF/DF for over a year while focusing on all the lifestyle factors you’ve mentioned in posts and have been working with some holistic docs- about to start treating a parasite in the small intestine for 6 weeks-“diagnosed” by an acupuncturist). Thank you!!!
Hi Alana, I look forward to
Hi Alana, I look forward to having you in the course in the spring. The best way to stay abreast of dates is to sign up for my newsletter. As for what to do, it’s difficult to give guidance here, especially since alopecia can be so multi-factorial, but an Elimination/Provocation diet is a good place to start.
I have androgenetic alopecia.
I have androgenetic alopecia. Would this course be helpful for me? It looks so informative and I’m hopinh it could help me!
Hi Lori, yes, a significant
Hi Lori, yes, a significant portion of the course covers androgenic alopecia, as do some of the handouts/resources.
Dear Jill,
Dear Jill,
while not confirmed by a doctor I’m fairly confident that I have lichen planopillaris. my hair is no longer shedding, although I’ve got half the head of hair I had 7 years ago, but it’s not growing and I’m getting little keratosis raised brown spots near my scalp. It is frontal temporal loss, half my fingernails have vertical ridges and I already have a related autoimmune - vitiligo. Will your class be able to help me. Ive read that scarring alopecia are impossible to regrow hair.
Hi Kim, I don’t know if it
Hi Kim, I don’t know if it will help. I would get a diagnosis to be sure it’s scarring alopecia. There’s some good evidence that lasers and the herb gotu kola dissolve scars.
hi kim .... i was diagnosed
hi kim .... i was diagnosed with LP in 2014. it's taken the last 5 years of reading, searching the internet for help. diet i found is what controlled things for me and i am sure if you follow jills advise and studies that it will work for you. i still beleive that something will help with the scarred areas, like the gotu kola. i do have a laser but i don't think it helped much, if at all but i still use it. maybe the combo of the 2 will help, any re-growth on those areas is my dream. the best of luck.
I have spent quite a bit of
I have spent quite a bit of time reading on your site and notice that most of those that post are females. Is this because they have a harder time coping with hair loss? I was diagnosed with alopecia aerata in the early spring of 2011. By early summer same year, I began to lose hair in my beard, mustache, eyebrows and eyelashes. Soon after I noticed I was losing hair on other parts of my body and by fall, same year I had lost all the hair all over except for a small patch on one calf. Two years ago I noticed I had some fine hair growing on parts of my head and edges of my ears. Fall of 2017 I noticed some facial hair also fine and some dark hair growing on parts of my scalp. The growth never improved beyong that and currently have not seen growth on other parts of my body. Prior to being diagnosed with alopecia I had a very thick full head of hair with little gray. Most people guessed my age ten years younger than I was. So being a male and having this condition start at 60 years of age I have found it at times difficult to deal with. Family and friends says I am the same person but when you look in the mirror and dont recognize the person there I know how I must appear to others. After having this for 8 years I still wear a hat all the time especially away from the house and only in the last year or so will be outside without my hat. Wondering if your course would benefit me. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Bill, in Maine
I don’t want to be dismissive
I don’t want to be dismissive of the agony that alopecia can cause males, but generally, yes, it’s MUCH harder on women. Most in my prior RA course were women, but not all. I believe all of the men had totalsis or universalis. At least one had a difficult time following the program because of life stuff. At least two others have started to grow eyelashes and eyebrows.
It can take up to a year to see substantive results, although many see results in as little as three months. You have to be in this for the long haul. And yes, I feel that the course could benefit you, but I of course make no promises.
Jill, thanks for your
Jill, thanks for your responce. I signed up for your next short class juct waiting for the code to confirm it.
Bill Clark
hi kim .... i was diagnosed
hi kim .... i was diagnosed with LP in 2014. it's taken the last 5 years of reading, searching the internet for help. diet i found is what controlled things for me and i am sure if you follow jills advise and studies that it will work for you. i still beleive that something will help with the scarred areas, like the gotu kola. i do have a laser but i don't think it helped much, if at all but i still use it. maybe the combo of the 2 will help, any re-growth on those areas is my dream. it;s tough making a decision to try yet again another product. money just keeps flying out the window for all the products that make so many promises. the best of luck.
Hi there :)
Hi there :)
When is the next reversing alopecia course? What is the price?
Hi Sanchia, it’s tentatively
Hi Sanchia, it’s tentatively slated to start in Feb. 5. I don’t have a price yet because I’m changing up the format. You can stay tuned for updates by signing up for newsletters via the form at the top left of this post.
I feel thankful that I
I feel thankful that I stumbled on your post as I'm deep in the internet trenches trying to learn more about Alopecia. My 9 year old daughter is newly diagnosed with alopecia areata. Would the reversing alopecia course be applicable for me to attend given her young age? Wasn't sure if this was geared more towards adults.
It was suggested to me (by friends, not our pedicatric dermatologist) to try an elimination diet, specifically gluten. I already think age 8/9 is a sensitive age to put such an emphasis on food and what you can and can't eat (so much data pointing to eating disorders developing around this age.) So would love to get your thoughts on framing this conversation in a way that is healthy, given that. I'd love to be able to "get ahead of this" if that makes sense. Don't want to look back a year from now and wish we had tried something different, sooner.
PS - Wishing the class could start prior to Feb 2020 :)
Hi Suzan, yes, it will be
Hi Suzan, yes, it will be applicable to her. Some of the testimonials above are from parents of children. I’m very intentional in the course about what’s appropriate for children and what isn’t–and I’m able to offer alternatives/work-arounds. I know what you mean by getting ahead of it. It’s just that I put SO much of myself into the course, I can only do it about every nine months or so. You can always connect with me 1:1 for an individualized program beforehand. Go to this link to schedule a Jumpstart session and we can chat more about your daughter’s specific situation.
Hi Jill,
Hi Jill,
I realize you don't really work on Lichen pilanopilaris situations but you & others have mentioned gotu kola. Any idea of how much to take? Has anyone reading this had any luck treating LP-other than gluten & dairy free & an anti-imflammatory diet? Thank you!
Hi Jill,
Hi Jill,
I realize you don't really work on Lichen pilanopilaris situations but you & others have mentioned gotu kola. Any idea of how much to take? Has anyone reading this had any luck treating LP-other than gluten & dairy free & an anti-imflammatory diet? Thank you!
Hi Jill,
Hi Jill,
I am looking into treatment for my hair- possibly adrogenic. Correlating to the timing of chemo induced menopause. Can you please message me with more information on the February course. I am concerned about pricing.
Thank you :)
Hi Tracy, so sorry you had to
Hi Tracy, so sorry you had to go through chemo. The course is getting pushed out a little. Please stay abreast of details by signing up for my alopecia newsletter (form at the top left of this page).
Hello! Can you please advise
Hello! Can you please advise if your early 2020 course has been released?
will you be providing an overview of the course? Thank you.
Hi Mel, thanks for asking.
Hi Mel, thanks for asking. Yes, the free Preview Class (the kick-off for the full, 9-part mastercourse series) takes place this coming week, on March 4. You can register here:
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