My day on the farm :: Week 6
Posted by Jill McLaughlin on Jul 21, 2011
I got some new bug spray (the natural stuff, of course) and nary a mosquito came near me today. Finally, some relief. Li’l bastards.
There was plenty of sunshine and just the right amount of heat today, nothing like the sweltering, Amazon-ish, bizarro weather we’ve had these last few days. Want an ag-based perspective on our sweaty summer? Go grassfed to keep that dewpoint down!
Today we harvested Napa cabbage, zucchini, summer squash, basil, carrots, sugar snap peas, sweet onions, chard, and kale.
We cut two big bunches of basil for each CSA box; it was raining last week and basil won’t survive long if wet. Get out your blenders, people, and make that pesto!
Aren’t you dying to hear what the honky tonk song of the day is? I thought so.
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