This Week's News Roundup

How was everyone’s week? Mine has been really good. Fast. It went by very fast.

I have a new focus on some lingering projects, have been busting through my to-dos, and I’m looking forward to some fun and relaxation this weekend.

Here is the good food word for this week. Have a great weekend, everyone.

Don’t Outsource Your Health to Doctors

The Way of the Healthy Person

A Gut Check for Many Ailments

The 8 Most Nutrient Dense Foods on Earth

Relax, Enjoy, Digest

Understand the Calcium Myth; Here’s What Really Makes Healthy Bones

Research Shows Remote Weight Loss Interventions Equally Effective as Face-to-Face Coaching Programs

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“It is very rare to find a person with Hashimoto’s (autoimmune hypothyroidism) who does not have some degree of gluten sensitivity or full-blown celiac disease.” – Dr. Datis Kharrazian

“Bottom line: The hormones associated with pleasure actually counteract the ill effects of stress hormones. Let us all meditate on that!” – Dr. Christiane Northrup

“Just eliminating sugar, refined carbohydrates, trans fats, caffeine, and alcohol, can have profound effects on your weight and the way you feel in a very short time, even if you do nothing else!”  - Dr. Mark Hyman

“It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that many of the symptoms associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the often over-diagnosed condition tacked on many young people, can be treated by simply altering or supplementing one’s diet.” –

“The passive American consumer, sitting down to a meal of pre-prepared food, confronts inert, anonymous substances that have been processed, dyed, breaded, sauced, gravied, ground, pulped, strained, blended, prettified, and sanitized beyond resemblance to any part of any creature that ever lived. The products of nature and agriculture have been made, to all appearances, the products of industry. Both eater and eaten are thus in exile from biological reality.” - Wendell Berry

“Did you know that almost every cell and tissue in our bodies has Vitamin D receptors? Why would almost every cell have Vitamin D receptors if they didn’t have a vital function? Make sure you have your Vit D level checked and supplement accordingly!” – Dr. Frank Lipman

“This week try writing yourself a prescription to say ‘No.’ Use it the next time someone asks you to do something you’d really rather not do. Imagine that I, your health-care practitioner, or someone else concerned with your well-being, has prescribed this “no” for you- and then use the time to do something that makes you happy.” - Marcelle Pick

“Diabetes begins YEARS and YEARS before someone actually gets diagnosed with it. Unabated stress of ALL kinds will raise blood sugar, even on a low calorie, low sugar diet.” – Dr. Christiane Northrup

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