Testimonials: Round 3 of My Reversing Alopecia Mastercourse

In early June, I wrapped up teaching Round 3 of my Reversing Alopecia mastercourse.
This year, I limited it to 20 people and lengthened the course—as an experiment of sorts. I added little new material, but distributed the classes and materials over 9 weeks.
Jack Krusinski, 2020 participant, after years of alopecia universalis (see his testimonial below) >
(The image to the right does NOT show off Jack’s growth in all its glory—the growth is all over his scalp.)
The experiment paid off—I felt better about going “low and slow,” engagement was high, and I preferred a more intimate group.
As I’ve said for years, reversing alopecia is an inside job and it can take 3 months in the best of circumstances to start seeing new growth after starting a therapeutic healing program. For many, it can take 6 months or longer. Heck, even the functional medicine community says that it can take 6-18 months to reverse an autoimmune condition.
Something happened right at the time the course was starting—COVID hit. It was a bit of a cloud over things and I know that it presented more stressors for many of the participants. I mean, who hasn’t been stressed from the myriad COVID factors: lockdowns, job losses, family members in nursing homes, increased anxiety, and uncertainty about school, to name a few.
But we persisted.
What you see below are testimonials from some of the 20 participants. I will add more as they come in. And I look forward to teaching Round 4 in Spring 2021!
Go here to see testimonials from the 2018 and 2019 course participants >
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I first found Jill through her very informative blog posts and signed up for her Reversing Alopecia course. I hadn’t had any hair in 4-plus years but during Jill’s course I started implementing what she taught us and sure enough, almost immediately I started to see growth. I am continuing to see more hair growing on a weekly basis and my eyebrows are coming in as well, but I could not get a good picture of them. I’m starting to implement more of what Jill taught us and can’t wait to see my continuous hair growth! For anyone who is considering taking this course, I HIGHLY recommend it. Not only is it great for helping you regrow your hair, but I’ve found that it has been very beneficial for my overall health. - Jack Krusinski, Cleveland, OH
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I first saw a bald spot on my beard in February 2019. It progressively got worse and spread all over my body, to the point that I just cut everything off in November 2019 to relieve the mental pain and embarrassment. That actually created a relief.
Now since my self-prescribed-Google-WebMD-research did not seem to be enough in those 9 months (lacked patience), I went on a quest to find professional help. I initially started with the conventional approach but resisted because my condition was far too severe for a few shots to solve. None of the suggestions worked from my primary doctor; in fact, he just admitted that he did not know what to do and it is a fact of life. That was unacceptable for me, so this led me to the integrative and functional medicine community.
Through the journey of finding functional medical doctors, I ran upon an article from one of Jill’s former clients. It was about a young lady who suffered from lifelong alopecia, but the approach to solve it was entirely different from conventional practices. So I reached out to Jill for an initial consultation and she mentioned her course would begin in the spring of 2020. So, impatient again, I reached out on the first day of spring and wanted to know if I missed any emails or if the class was still going to take place.
Once the class finally started, Jill had my undivided attention. I devoured the documents she provided, ran with every suggestion, and fully transformed my lifestyle. I like to go all-in—and my family is going along with the ride because if this has any genetic components, I’d like to be out in front of this with my children!
The biggest breakthrough for me was the GI test. I am 100% certain I would not have done this test had I not participated in Jill’s course. I wouldn’t have even thought of it. Once Jill’s nurse/health coach colleague and I reviewed the results, I knew that if I was going to get right, my gut will have to be healed. All these years, I believed I was a champion of food and exercise, and to actually see what is in the gut was jaw-dropping.
This process has taught me that patience has to be a virtue. Trusting one’s own body to heal itself is against the popular medical practice, and it takes some level of courage to see the process through. I cannot thank Jill enough for allowing me to participate in her mastercourse. Because of this I have finally seen some sprouts on my head and face. And, to be honest, I didn’t think it would be this early, if at all, but I figured if I stayed patient (very difficult as you can see), do the work, and let the body take a natural course, good things will come. - D.L.B., Chicago, IL (02/20/2021)
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I was hesitant to take Jill’s Reversing Alopecia course because I have a longtime case of androgenic alopecia and Jill seemed to specialize in patchy loss. I reached out to her before the course started to ask if I’d be a good fit and she was gracious enough to give me honest feedback in a series of email exchanges. Yes, she’d helped other women with androgenic loss and said that there would be a module in the course dedicated to it, but what sold me on signing up was her honesty about how reversing androgenic loss can take longer—and that I may not see any improvement during the course or for a few weeks or months after.
What may have turned some people away made me sign up that day—I knew that I could trust her and that she wasn’t going to blow “hair loss solutions” up our your-know-whats. The whole course had my rapt attention and it has changed my life in numerous ways. The benefits to my overall health are too numerous to list here and yes, I do have new growth. First, I saw a significant slowing of my loss and now, my scalp is filling in, along with my outer eyebrows which I also haven’t had in years. If any endocrinologist or dermatologist diagnoses you with androgenic alopecia and tells you, “Sorry, this is genetic and there’s nothing you can do about it,” walk out and call Jill. – M. P., Melbourne, Australia
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My daughter was 10 when we found her first bald spot. We saw her pediatrician who diagnosed her with alopecia. We decided to seek out a pediatric dermatologist (3 hours away). I was told my daughter was healthy by both doctors and prescribed steroid cream, liquid steroid, and finally injections when she had new spots show up. I was told they would keep her on steroids indefinitely and not to worry, it wouldn’t cause any harm. Any questions I asked about her health were dismissed and that is when I realized modern medicine wasn’t going to help my daughter get well.
I wanted to learn what was causing my daughter to lose hair and help her body heal from the inside out. God made our bodies amazing and complex and I needed help navigating. I finally came across Jill Grunewald. I was encouraged to see she wasn’t selling products but simply knowledge. I am thankful we were able to participate in her course and small group coaching. To have Jill’s experience and knowledge is so helpful as reversing alopecia isn’t a “one size fits all.”
My daughter began working to reverse alopecia this past year and is still working at it. Although she has lost some more hair, she is beginning to get little fuzzy hairs! We continue to trust God through this process as He is sovereign. And a big thank you to Jill for her insights! - Arien B., Olathe, KS
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Jill has been an incredible source of information in our alopecia journey! My son, 13, has suffered from alopecia universalis since he was 7 or 8 years old. The only recommendation from the medical “experts” we’ve seen over the years seems to be to increase the dose of expensive chemicals to put on his head. We were getting increasingly frustrated with no results. Through Jill’s guidance, we’ve discovered the importance of looking at what things may be going on in the inside of the body. We’ve discovered several very fixable issues (including clearing of H. pylori) that no doctor has ever mentioned! Jill has been a wealth of knowledge and my son is now seeing some regrowth. We highly recommend this course! – Jonelle Meyer, Blaine, MN
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I cannot speak highly enough about Jill’s Reversing Alopecia course. I’ll start by saying that I don’t have any new hair growth…YET. But I’ll sing Jill’s praises from the mountaintops because so many other health symptoms I’ve experienced for years are either completely gone or mostly alleviated. This had to happen before I saw any new growth and I know that. The course includes two thorough lab panels that have never, in all of my years of trying to grow hair, been suggested to me, the results of which have answered many questions and changed my life. My sense of wellbeing is better than it’s been in years, I have a completely regular menstrual cycle, and my incredible digestive issues are gone. That alone is worth the investment in the course. I used to be desperate about my loss and Jill’s course was a “last try” that I’m so glad I engaged in. I’m confident that I’ll have hair in the coming weeks and months. - T. L., Richmond, VA
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I found Jill and the Reversing Alopecia course after years of struggling with hair loss. I had tried multiple doctors and approaches and nothing gave me any results/answers. I knew there had to be internal reasons causing the loss and I wanted guidance to get to the bottom of it (something that HMO medicine was not interested in). I found an article Jill had written that was scientifically-based about all the reasons hair loss could happen.
I enrolled in the class and found it extremely helpful, informative, and exhaustive. Jill has really done her research and wants to share it with others. I haven’t regrown hair yet but now know all the reasons why it could be happening and techniques to try. I am gradually working away at them (amongst other things in 2020;)) and know I will get there. I also know these strides will lead to better health in general, not just increased hair! I wholeheartedly recommend Jill and this class. I have found nothing else like it. It gets to the root causes of hair loss and ways to alleviate them. - J. S., Los Angeles, CA
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Jill’s RA course takes a deep dive into the complexities of autoimmunity and alopecia. She’s done a wide range of research and broadens her own knowledge by tapping into the work of other researchers and functional medicine doctors. Her approach is suitable for anyone dealing with alopecia, no matter what phase or longevity of the condition one may have. She’s supportive, knowledgeable, and cares deeply about supporting and guiding anyone that is struggling to find their path to optimal health. I highly recommend this course for anyone seeking a breakthrough in living with and potentially reversing the symptoms of alopecia. – J.W., North Wales, PA
Hello :)
Hello :)
What is the price for the Reversing Alopecia Masterclass, and where will the new class be announced?
Regards Ragnhild
Hi Ragnhild, if you're on my
Hi Ragnhild, if you're on my alopecia/hair loss newsletter, an announcement went out today. Let me know if you didn't receive it.
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