The Curve That Isn't Flattening

Although I have a history of being a prolific writer, words haven’t come easily to me the last few months.
And if I don’t have something of value to say, I’m not going to say anything, which is why my blog posts tend to be sporadic. I’ll never write just to write and I’ve never been on an “editorial schedule.”
And trust me, AI will NEVER produce any of my content! It’s all me.
Having said this, I just spent a lot of time updating my Taming Autoimmunity eGuide for the second time. It was originally published in 2016, received a facelift last year, and the new updates are even more substantive.
<<< Get your copy from the form on the left. Or if you’re on a phone, scroll all the way down.
The more things change, the more they stay the same
My health coaching practice is changing and kind of not changing at the same time.
Some of you have been here for the nearly 18 years I’ve been a health coach and writer and some are new to this blog. Regardless, you likely know that I help people reverse autoimmunity (primarily alopecia and Hashimoto’s, along with other autoimmunity in the mix), of which we’re currently witnessing an absolute tsunami of, both new and recurring cases. It’s coming on hard and fast.
Most people understand what’s going on.
And there’s an awfully high burden of proof on the part of the medical community and the pharmaceutical industry that this explosion isn’t a byproduct of their products. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
The above links are a drop in the bucket.
You do NOT have to have partaken in this “product” to be affected. And long Covid is now thought to be autoimmune.
As I keep saying, it’s no longer business as usual.
Any “autoimmunity practitioner” who’s using outdated protocols for solutions to new problems is missing the mark by a country mile.
I recently received one of the best compliments of my career from a very esteemed colleague, who said, “Jill, I’ve followed you for so long because you’re not focused on problems, you’re focused on solutions.”
Yes, I am. And some people don’t get it and prefer to “cancel” me, but I don’t care.
Serving vs. pleasing
I’m not here to please anyone, I’m here to serve. And I’m not here to judge or make anyone feel badly for their choices.
In fact, I came across this quote last week from my friend and colleague who’s a nurse-coach. She said, “As a professional coach there is this part of the work that requires us to serve vs. please. To deliver compassionate truths so that our clients can feel the level of love that we have for them. I think this can be weaponized outside of the safety of our coaching containers. This also comes with the confidence that the thoughts are clean, and not a projection.” (My emphases.)
Speaking of solutions…
All of this is to say that the face of my health coaching practice is changing. Kind of.
What I mean is…I’m going to focus on all autoimmunity, not just Hashimoto’s and alopecia.
As many of you know, I’ve spent the last several months digging into solutions and collaborating with teams of practitioners and let me just say…it’s working.
I feel so incredibly blessed and honored to have this information—it was a “just at the right time” introduction in January.
Not only can this complementary approach help with whatever manifestation of autoimmunity you’re currently dealing with, but this will also help to prevent MAS (multiple autoimmune syndrome).
Most of my clients over many years have had MAS, or multiple autoimmune syndrome (Hashimoto’s and/or alopecia, along with conditions like psoriasis, Reynaud’s, rosacea, Sjogren’s, etc.) and they’ve seen great improvements and even reversal in these other conditions as a byproduct of what we’ve done to modulate and balance their immune system.
I’ve had MAS myself.
And I’m now focused on the umbrella of autoimmunity, of which I wrote about starting in 2018 in this post, Autoimmunity: It’s All One Disease. It’s been updated a few times, including this week.
There are solutions, even in the face of the current situation. Again, it doesn’t matter if you’ve taken the spike protein, graphene oxide, aluminum oxide, iron oxide, heavy metals-laden injection or not. Autoimmunity is skyrocketing.
You have to trust me on this. The case studies will boggle your mind.
The science is there. The case studies are there. It’s not complicated.
Let’s just say that pine oil, nattokinase, curcumin, and bromelain ain’t gonna cut it. Nattokinase, which is getting a lot of attention, is derived from fermented soybeans and it’s one of the most glyphosate-riddled substances on the planet. There’s no such thing as organic or “clean” nattokinase.
I’m doing a free webinar about this on September 27, 2023. If you’re not already on my newsletter, if you download my new Taming Autoimmunity ebook, you will be and you’ll get the updates. (Scroll up and look to the left or scroll all the way down if you’re on a phone.)
At any rate, I love helping people. I’m focused on solutions. I’m collaborating with some of THE brightest solutions-oriented minds. Our arms are locked and we’ve got each other’s backs. And we WILL change lives. We already are.
You’re welcome to:
- Wait for the webinar on Sept. 27 (if you’re seeing this post after Sept. 27, 2023, reach out for the recording)
- Download the new iteration of my Taming Autoimmunity ebook (again, scroll up and look to the left or scroll all the way down if you’re on a phone)
- Schedule a Jumpstart session with me here
- All of the above
I’m not leaving this space.
I cannot thank you enough for your honesty, your consistent showing up in the most real way, and for your dedication. As someone who constantly struggles and comes back to people like you again and again, I cannot thank you enough for being a gem in a sea of capitalism and self-interest.
From my deepest heart,
Thank you.
Thank you, Erin!
Thank you, Erin!
Jill, I echo Erin: you are
Jill, I echo Erin: you are such a star, and your example is really inspiring. I may not sign up for anything, but believe me, I read and am uplifted by your posts, and your truth and honesty.
I admire greatly the stance you took on Covid vaccines.
My copy of your cookbook is well-thumbed.
Thank you for being such a light.
Thank you, Roselle!
Thank you, Roselle!
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