I'm Not the Problem

Everyone—and I mean everyone—should see the video I’m sharing today. It’s currently the shot heard ‘round the world, a massive unveiling of truth that’s not opinion, not speculation. Not “conspiracy.” It’s a summary of the shocking details that’s right there in the internal documentation—tens of thousands of pages of it.

The FDA said, “Don’t let the public see these documents.”

There were 3250 doctors and scientists who reviewed the data that proves “documented harm” and “the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history.”

The interviewee is considered one of the greatest journalists of our time and who’s now “a very controversial figure.”

If you think my “greatest crime” comment is dramatic, she’s Jewish and said, “I can say without hesitation that this is the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history because of the scale and foreknowledge of the harm they were unleashing on communities around the world.”

First, an introduction.

If you don’t want to hear my commentary, you can scroll down to the link below. It’s big…you can’t miss it.

I’m going to come off angry because I am. It’s called righteous anger.

I’m going to let it rip.

I’m going to piss some people off…again.

And what’s funny (not funny) is that those who’ve cast me aside, called me a nut job, unsubscribed, called me a conspiracy theorist, and are lurking on my blog/newsletter just to see what “crazy” thing I say next are the people who need to hear this the most.  

But so many people are so far gone—so brainwashed and indoctrinated medically, academically, and politically, they’ll continue to call me names. And get their boosters. And the flu jab. And the monkey pox jab. And give their kids the crippling HPV jab. Or whatever fill-in-the-blank poison the powers that be already have in their pre-loaded vials. And support corrupt-to-the-core organizations like BLM.

And continue to cower to their employers, families, and government. Because you know this ain’t over.

I should say that I do have hope. People are starting to wake up. And I hope to continue to be a cog in that ever-turning wheel.

“They are awakening. Sometimes it takes pain to arouse the giant, but once aroused, justice will be swift and righteous. And from outside time, the mills of God grind exceedingly fine.” - G. Weick

By the way, unless you use profanity, you’re welcome to say what you want to me in the comments below and they’ll get published.

As many of you know, I spoke out against jab mandates three months pre-Covid. Because I could see exactly what was coming. My tome went to the far corners of the earth and I got deluged with emails over months.

And then I started this organization.

As I told one of my journalist friends this morning, I’m so livid about these new findings, I don’t know how I can be objective with this post. She said:

“I don’t blame you and we should all be filled with righteous anger. I think it’s impossible to be completely objective. We all know MSM is completely biased. I’m the type to say let it rip! You’ve probably already lost everyone you would from your [anti-mandate] article many years ago. Now people see you were right all along or they never left you at all.”

(For all of you who haven’t left, I have something special for you below.)

For 5 years (starting in June of 2019), I’ve been elbow-deep in activism and education, all the while keeping the wheels under my coaching practice. A coaching practice that looks very, very different than it did before. Devastatingly different. It’s required me to look at things that I never wanted to look at. I guess I should say, that I never thought I’d have to look at. 

But I did look. Along with some very smart colleagues and in large part, I’m standing on some of their shoulders.

I didn’t want to, but it’s like the train wreck you can’t turn away from. My community is tight and right and we’ve been able to help a lot of people.

No, I’m not a doctor. Miss Ashley reminded me of this after I shared some graphs and data from OpenVAERS, which, by the way, according to Harvard, only represents 1 percent of adverse reactions and deaths.

You can see her warm and fuzzy feedback in the pics below. (Viewer discretion advised.)

I’ve given away my time helping people with a protocol. Yes, I make some money from it. But the science is there and I’ve never pushed a bunch of products. And I’ve reiterated over and over that if you take one thing…take this one thing. (I’m not going to link to it here. Frankly, I’m tired of talking about it.) You know how much I make if people purchase that one thing? $11.

I’ve done several webinars to educate my readers—to hopefully prop people’s eyes open with toothpicks about what’s going on.

I’ve supported other practitioners in educating their audiences.

I’ve talked with my clients ‘til I’m blue in the face, about how YES, the C jab is a major, undeniable contributor to autoimmunity (among other horrible conditions) and some aren’t sticking to the protocol and still don’t understand why their antibodies are high. Not all, but some simply cannot hear me and I’m so exhausted from these conversations. (If you’re a current client and you’re on your journey right now, this comment is NOT for you.)

I’ve witnessed so many people experience remarkable, miraculous improvements after doing what my colleagues and I are suggesting for recovery. And then some people just…stop. Help me out here. Help me understand this.

While I’m at it, I’ve completely severed ties with any former colleague/practitioner, medical or not, who’s posted selfies with a needle in their arm, gotten rah-rah over mandates, and who’ve told people they were a**holes for not getting the C jab. Yes, one prominent doctor said this on Instagram.

I hate cowardice. And there’s a whole lotta cowards—and charlatans—in the “functional medicine” space. I’m looking at you, Mark Hyman and Jeffrey Bland. And a bunch of others. You’re not the natural, holistic, integrative doctors you fancy yourselves.

As my friend, Jason Boyd, said in response to Hyman’s recent NewsNation interview with Chris Cuomo:

ANYONE who blames the sharp rise in cancer diagnoses since 2019 on seed oils and ultra-processed food is either stupid, willfully ignorant, or lying.”

In another post, he said, “If you’re a health professional and I can’t go on any of your social media account timelines between the years of 2020-2022 and read how you vociferously stood against la’roney baloney and the bioweapon that shall not be named, then I’m going to assume you were either cowering in silence about it or you weren’t against it at all. And no, I won’t just take your word for it.

“And if that’s the case—AND you’re a doctor—I don’t care what your stance is on seed oils and busted metabolisms and children’s diets. Or anything, really.

“As far as I’m concerned, you can take a seat at the kiddie table while the adults have grown-up conversations about how to fix this mess. A mess that was, quite frankly, caused by cowardly people not standing up for what’s right in the first place.”

Look, we’re living in a different world than when I initially stepped out on the plank. Everything is different. The train has left the station. 

And my question for you is, do you have the wherewithal to do anything about it?

Because whether you’ve had the needle or not, we’ve ALL been affected via skin contact and inhalation. The spike protein is aerosol and goes out 12 blocks.

And whether it’s you or someone you know, I know you know of people who’ve experienced horrible, life-altering adverse reactions to this jab. You know, those symptoms that most doctors label “mysterious.” Or you know people who’ve “died suddenly.”

Don’t tell me you don’t because I know you do.

I had a lengthy conversation with my friend and colleague, Dr. Fadwa Gillanders, over the weekend. She said:

“You’re going to have to rein it in and fight for your lineage. As a nation, we’ve become fat, lazy, and infertile. We’re tired of listening to you, it’s time you listened to us. We’re going to be the ones left standing. And you’re going to need us.”

The interviewee said, “A war has been waged against us and among us and upon us.”

Of the women in the trial they told to NOT get pregnant, 270 did. They “lost” the records of 236 of them. Of the 34 women remaining, over 80% of them lost their babies. WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE?

They knew that it biodistributes in the body and doesn’t stay in the deltoid. Aka “shock and blast.”

They knew that it was causing myocarditis, especially in young people, and they’re still pushing it on kids.

They knew that the industrial fats block ovaries and degrade placentas.

They knew that it caused “industrial scale” clotting.

They knew that over 1200 people died within the first 3 months of the roll-out, over half of them occurring within 48 hours of receiving the jab.

They knew that it degrades the myelin sheath of nerves and diminishes our ability to conduct electrical impulses.

If you’re on my newsletter, you may remember that just a few days ago, I said that the body is electric and that certain water provides the voltage we need? You can join me on Wednesday, Oct. 16 as we discuss this. The water we’ll be talking about (with a live demo) is an electron donor and not only that—it crosses the blood-brain barrier and has been shown to be beneficial for those with neuro-degenerative diseases.

You know what else crosses the blood-brain barrier? Fluoride. And this system effectively takes care of fluoride.

I’m not the problem.

And if you have the courage to view what may be the single most important video online today, you’ll learn undeniably who is. 

Finally, to all my freedom warriors and those who haven’t left me…

The Valley
Performed by the inimitable kd lang

I live in the hills
You live in the valleys
And all that you know
Are these blackbirds
You rise every morning
Wondering what in the world will the world bring today
Will it bring you joy or will it take it away
And every step you take is guided by
The love of the light on the land
And the blackbird’s cry
You will walk
You will walk
You will walk in good company

The single most important video today >



  • And by the way, Ashley did sign up for my newsletter. Twice. :)
  • God bless this woman.
  • Pfizer and FDA went to court to prevent the results of their Covid clinical trials from being released for a whopping 75 years, long after most of us would be gone. Attorney Aaron Siri and his team sued to get the data released immediately, and won. That data is responsible for the video. This is Siri and me in Sept. of 2023.
  • If you don't already know this man, you will after you view the video. He's a friend and I've seen him speak many times.


Thanks for sharing.  You are appreciated. 

Jill, thank you again for your brilliance. I've watched you transform from an amazing health coach to a health activist for all and it's been an incredible thing to witness. And all the while, you've maintained your class, dignity, and sense of self. I'd argue that you're probably one of the only health coaches out there truly helping people right now, given the devastating situation we're all in. I agree with what you said a while back, that any practitioner doing "business as usual" isn't paying attention. You're truly one of the only practitioners I trust. God bless you for always speaking the truth. 

Good for you and thank you for not withering during all the covid insanity.  If you haven't read Dr. Brian Ardis' new book -- Moving Beyond the Covid-19 Lies, Restoring Health & Hope for Humanity -- I hope you will, and will recommend it to others.  The evil that was done to a trusting public is almost beyond belief.  And it will happen again unless people learn the truth and how to protect themselves.

Bravo!! Thank you for being brave and showing us what the sacred warrior archetype looks like - justified anger!!  Taking action to protect and save!! Calling out the emporers nakedness!! You are inspirational and leading a large pack of fellow warriors. We got your back!!

No doubt the war is among us! You're laying the foundation for the greatest awakening we will ever know. Thank you for everything you do! 

Thank Jill for sharing. I am not surprised to hear Dr. Hyman would "back jab" his stance. Many years ago, I remember him selling health information on a late night type infomercial. Only to hear what he was saying was not true. He was just "selling" something, as is per his usual. I never trusted him from then on. Again, thank you for sharing and doing all that you do.

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