What Our Colleagues Say...

This post was written by Lisa Markley, MS, RDN, who, along with Jill, co-authored the #1 best selling Essential Thyroid Cookbook.
Last week, Jill shared how we completely nerded out and got into the nitty gritty of evaluating the nutritional science behind the thyroid- and immune- supportive recommendations we make in our Essential Thyroid Cookbook.
This was an eye-opening journey in examining how the thyroid is indeed so highly dependent on many nutrients that drive its biochemical function. As Hashimoto’s sufferers and also educators about thyroid health, we knew this well, but our research illuminated even more profoundly that when nutrient deficiencies are present, it’s way too easy for thyroid and immune function to become compromised.
This week, we’d like to share some of the recent praise and feedback we’ve already received about our cookbook.
After a challenging few months navigating our change in publication plan and moving printing from China to the U.S., (exhausting!), it was the spark we needed to reinvigorate us as we transitioned from the also overwhelmingly detailed and inward process of creation/design/layout to the more outward process of marketing, which included reaching out to several of our highly esteemed colleagues and idols in the health, wellness, and culinary fields for endorsements.
Not an easy shift for two introverts!
It’s been amazingly reassuring to see that yes, we did measure up and that professionals and experts we respect recognize and appreciate many of the goals and intentions we set out to accomplish in writing The Essential Thyroid Cookbook.
This was a humbling process because:
- Not only did we set the bar really high for this cookbook, but we also set the bar really high for who we were hoping to garner feedback and support from. Everyone on our list of endorsers is well known and well respected in their fields – gurus whose work we’ve been inspired by and following closely for years. Several are friends and colleagues, but they have endlessly busy schedules blazing trails as leaders in the health, wellness, and culinary fields, so for them to take the time to read our book and provide feedback was a major accomplishment.
- We thought some may be untouchable and endorsement or not (some were traveling, some were pushing hard on their own pub date), the fact that we heard back from each and every person we reached out to with thoughtful, positive responses in support of our cookbook made us pinch ourselves.
- In reading their humbling praise, all of the hard work that we’ve put into this book became validated and got us even more excited about sharing our work with the world.
Setting the intention…
Before I share just some of delightful insights we’ve received about our book, let me first share more about the specific goals Jill and I set out to accomplish in writing this cookbook.
We wanted to develop a unique, one-of-a-kind educational resource that does all of the following:
- Shares practical, tangible thyroid- and immune-supportive nutrition recommendations for those suffering from Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism that meet people wherever they are on their healing path.
- Explores the connection between nutrition, lifestyle, and root causes of Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism and offers actionable steps towards wellness.
- Features recipes with high-quality, whole food-based, nutrient-dense ingredients specifically chosen for their ability to optimize thyroid function.
- Offers approachable, easy to prepare dishes, targeted to the home cook, no matter what your past cooking experience has been. (Most of my quick, easy recipes can be prepared in 30 minutes or less.)
- Provides tasty, delicious, mouthwatering recipes thoughtfully created to appeal to all palates that also happen to be healthful and nourishing for the thyroid and immune system.
- Offers sensible adaptations, whenever possible, to fit dietary practices commonly used to address thyroid imbalances and autoimmunity, such as Paleo and Autoimmune Protocol (AIP).
Based on the overwhelmingly positive feedback we’ve received from our colleagues (some of who also have suffered from Hashimoto’s), we’re proud to say that we’ve accomplished these goals.
What they said…
One of my favorite quotes that encompasses our own philosophy and belief that health starts in the kitchen is summed up well by Aviva Romm, MD, author of The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution.
She stated in the foreword to our cookbook, “One of the fastest, most effective, and most empowering ways to [take back your health] is to take back your kitchen by preparing whole foods-based, fresh, unprocessed meals that satisfy and delight your taste buds while healing your body. This book is an important step in that direction.”
We were flattered when we read what Susan Blum, MD, author of The Immune System Recovery Plan and founder and director of Blum Center for Health, had to say. “Lisa and Jill have created one of the most amazing food education and recipe books I’ve ever seen. Yes, the recipes are beautifully photographed and mouthwateringly delicious, but just as important, every ingredient is chosen with intention for the cleanest, highest good for both the thyroid and the planet. This information is presented in a clear and accessible way and this cookbook will be a staple in my pantry.”
Deanna Minich, PhD, author of Whole Detox and long-time core faculty member of the Institute for Functional Medicine, makes an important point – food is only one part of the equation and there are many lifestyle factors that need to be addressed.
She stated, “There are two significant parts to healing the thyroid – one is food and the other is lifestyle. This book provides a beautiful way to bring the two together. The Essential Thyroid Cookbook provides healthy and tasty recipes that can be prepared quickly and seamlessly, allowing for the needed time away from extensive meal preparation to rebalance and heal your life — the best of both worlds!”
(Jill and I address many of these lifestyle factors in the educational section of our cookbook, as well as via several online resources and blog posts that Jill has created through Healthful Elements.)
When I read what my brother, Michael Magliano, a highly accomplished chef, had to say, I was literally brought to tears.
Michael said, “As a chef of over 20 years in some of the country’s top kitchens, I can confidently say that Lisa has a real understanding for how to use whole food ingredients that not only capture great flavor, but also nourish the body. These remarkable recipes are clearly written and use easily attainable ingredients and techniques that are approachable for any level of cooking experience. This cookbook is sure to be a pillar for strengthening health in anyone, but particularly for those with thyroid conditions.”
Michael’s passion and creativity inspires me to want to hone my kitchen skills daily and even though we live far apart, I am grateful that our love of good food can keep us connected.
This is from one of our friends and colleagues who truly knows what it’s like when it comes to healing from Hashimoto’s. “As someone who has been there, and self-healed naturally, this is a pivotal resource for anyone suffering with thyroid and autoimmune disease. This is not simply a cookbook; it’s a guidebook to beginning your self-healing journey in an empowering, digestible way,” said Heather Dubé, Functional Nutritionist with e3 Energy Evolved.
Lastly, the esteemed and soon-to-be-retired Richard Shames, MD, author of Thyroid Power, was an instrumental influence in not only Jill’s reversal of her Hashimoto’s nine years ago, but was also instrumental in her transitioning her nutrition coaching practice into one that focuses largely on helping others manage their own Hashimoto’s. For Jill, Dr. Shames is the original “thyroid guru” and what she learned from him laid the foundation for “the next frontier” of her practice.
He said, “A monumental achievement! This book belongs in the kitchen of not only every person with a thyroid problem, but in addition, all of their genetic relatives. Great nutritional information, at last.”
Again, we’re grateful and humbled by the remarkable support and feedback we’ve received, as well as from YOU, our beloved readers.
Your support is also a powerful force that’s helping to drive us forward as we get closer and closer to our publication date…still about 12 weeks away. But we promise that time will go fast!
Please stay tuned for more thyroid- and immune-supportive nutrition information, a few teaser recipes, and behind the scenes stories of our cookbook journey. And next week, we hope to unveil our new website dedicated entirely to our cookbook.
Congrats! This is so awesome
Congrats! This is so awesome and inspiring. I'm looking forward to recommending your book to the (sadly) numerous amount of people I know with thyroid disorders.
I am so looking forward to
I am so looking forward to this cookbook, I can hardly wait! It's been a long journey but worth it for the quality of the end product. I'm not surprised you are garnering such wonderful feedback. Let me know how to order and I'll even order in advance to receive my copy!
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