We Have a Pub Date...

I would like to thank everyone for the outpouring of love and support that Lisa and I received after our announcement a couple of weeks ago that we’d changed our publishing plan for The Essential Thyroid Cookbook.
We loved sharing our “mini cookbook” and have received a lot of feedback that many of you are thoroughly enjoying the recipes.
We’ve been working hard to nail down a publishing date – we’ve had our heads down, working intensely with our distribution, project, and marketing managers to determine the best time to launch.
Here’s the date: September 19.
Truth be told, we could’ve published in July. But we opted out to avoid the “summer bummer” effect.
Based on our research (which includes what we learned when we were considering working with a big publishing house), summer publishing is best for light reading, such as novels, and fall is hands down the best time to publish a cookbook.
After working for as long and hard as we have, we simply couldn’t afford to not have the best possible timeline and platform.
Yes, September 19 is technically still summer, but when you consider that an October pub date had been tossed around (which made my cells ache), September feels so much better.
After a ton of work, Lisa and I finally are at peace. The content has been done for some time, we’ve made it through this storm, and we finally feel a huge opening, an incredible feeling of freedom and expansiveness. It’s been a long time coming.
And I don’t know about you, but I’m astounded at how the months fly by. September is only eight months away and it will be here before we know it.
Thank you again for your patience as these first-time authors have navigated every angle of publishing. It’s the wild west out there. The permutations are tangled and multi-faceted.
I’ve been encouraged by a few colleagues to write about our process and to create a “guide to publishing” for other authors, but I think I need the satisfaction of getting this cookbook published before I could even think about that. :)
[We have a lot of new subscribers from the last couple of weeks – if any of you would like to know a little more about our long and winding journey, you can go here (from Sept.) and here (from early Jan.).]
so excited!you two are the
so excited!you two are the best! will we be able to preorder at some date?
Hi Marta, we’re working on
Hi Marta, we’re working on that aspect of things with our project and marketing managers. Yes, you will, in some capacity, whether it’s the physical book or the Kindle version. Thanks for asking.
Most all cookbooks aiming at
Most all cookbooks aiming at thyroidism are aimed at hypo. Is there anything addressing hyperthyroidism addressed either here or elsewhere?
I recommend Dr. Amy Myers’
I recommend Dr. Amy Myers’ book, The Thyroid Connection. She’s had Graves’ so she knows hyperthyroidism.
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